I took a class from a Navajo woman to learn the process of pine needle basket weaving as the Native Americans do it. This process has been passed down for generations. I use the process but my designs are very much my own.
Conch in Blue

This small basket was woven to be fitted with the conch shell as a lid. It doesn't fit too tight so you can put your written affirmations inside and they can escape into the universe. It is approx. 3 inches across and the basket is about 2 inches deep with the shell as the lid. Thread is variegated blue.
Crazy Beads

The bottom part of this basket is approx 3 inches across and about 2.5 inches tall. The green thread that holds the pine needles in place is very light green sewn in a spiral with beads on every other 3 rows. The lid is approx. 5 inches tall and tapers from bottom to top. The curved bead strings coming out of the top are strung on wire and can be arranged however you like. The top fits over the bottom and is not a perfect conical shape. "It is all a little crazy, but ultimately delightful."
Pink Square

Of complex design, this tiny basket starts off with a square bottom (approx. 2.5 inches) with rose colored thread off set to one side. It is approx. 2 inches tall; then the lid sits on top of the box and is approx 2.5 inches. It starts off square then shifts to a cone shape that is about 1.5 inches tall with beautiful pink coiled shells on top. Would make a wonderful affirmation box. The pine needles are coated with beeswax to help protect the needles.
Dragonfly Feathers

Four inch pine needle box with lid. The thread is golden yellow; the design of the thread is single leaf. The lid has a black walnut slice in the center with stone, beads, feathers and pine cone in the decoration. It has been coated with beeswax to help protect the pine needles
Pine Needles and Scallop Shell

This is a beautiful little box approx. 2.5 inches tall and about 3 inches in diameter. The bottom is pine needles woven with light blue variegated thread sewn in a double leaf pattern. The design of the bottom was created to fit with the real scallop shell lid.