Adventures In Art
The various arts of Hazel S. Muller
Books Bookmaking Oil painting Animal Portraits Beaded Knitting Gourds Pine Needle Basket Weaving Writing (poetry and prose) Calligraphy Sewing Knitted Finger Puppets Needle-felting
You will find some of these items for sale on this site.
Books Bookmaking Oil painting Animal Portraits Beaded Knitting Gourds Pine Needle Basket Weaving Writing (poetry and prose) Calligraphy Sewing Knitted Finger Puppets Needle-felting
You will find some of these items for sale on this site.
Hazel's artist statement:
My "Adventures In Art" has taken me through making stained glass windows and lamps in Arizona, to oil painting and teaching oil painting in Oregon, California, and Nevada, to silk painting in New Mexico and now calligraphy and bookmaking in Oregon. I am also a published poet and writer, have served on the board of the Oregon State Poetry Association, was voted member of the year 2005 by Capital Calligraphers in Salem, Oregon, I have taught paper arts at San Juan College in Farmington, New Mexico; served on the board of Three Rivers Women’s Collective and shown my work here in the In Cahoot's Gallery.
I create because it keeps me sane; I share because it makes me happy.
Hazel S. Muller
My "Adventures In Art" has taken me through making stained glass windows and lamps in Arizona, to oil painting and teaching oil painting in Oregon, California, and Nevada, to silk painting in New Mexico and now calligraphy and bookmaking in Oregon. I am also a published poet and writer, have served on the board of the Oregon State Poetry Association, was voted member of the year 2005 by Capital Calligraphers in Salem, Oregon, I have taught paper arts at San Juan College in Farmington, New Mexico; served on the board of Three Rivers Women’s Collective and shown my work here in the In Cahoot's Gallery.
I create because it keeps me sane; I share because it makes me happy.
Hazel S. Muller